Additional Resources

Somersworth School District & School Reports/General Information

The New Hampshire Department of Education has reports available by school district and schools that are helpful to better understand the data for our schools and district as a whole. You can access this information at the following link:

Link to School & District Reports

Here is a link to an Introduction to iPlatform video to help you maximize your use of this data source: 

Intro. Video Link


Parents Right to Know

Somersworth schools receive Title I funds to help students reach established academic standards.  Currently teachers within each school are qualified to teach in their assigned grade levels and subject areas.  Under the Federal law Every Student Succeeds Act, we are required to notify parents of their rights.

Idlehurst Elementary School, Maple Wood School, Somersworth Middle School and Somersworth High School parents may request information about the qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers.  In particular, a parent may seek the following information:

  • Whether the teacher meets the State qualifications for the grade level and subject area of instruction;
  • Whether the teacher is teaching outside the certification;  
  • The degree held by the teacher and any other graduate certification or degrees and the field of the certification or degree; and 
  • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

If you would like to request any of the above information, please call Stephanie Lafreniere, Director of Grants & Development at 603-692-4450.  A written request may be sent to SAU 56 Attn: Stephanie Lafreniere 51 West High Street, Somersworth, NH 03878.  All responses will be made promptly.


Anti-Bullying Resources

  • Social Networking Guide for Parents
  • Privacy Settings on Facebook
  • UNH Cooperative Extension, 'Understanding Bullying'
  • PBS Bully Prevention Resources




SAU 56 DOL Model Notice-FLSA with Plans

Somersworth School District DOL Model Notice-FLSA with Plans

Rollinsford School District DOL Model Notice-FLSA with Plans